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Tips on Finding Relevant Keywords for Your Amazon Ads Campaign – An Expert’s Advice

Amazon Ads Campaign

Amazon Ads Campaign

Advertisements have become the lifeblood of the business world. In this modern age, with social media making the world spin, having a business requires you to post about it on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter; otherwise, people won’t know it exists.

Many entrepreneurs take their business to online selling marketplaces like Amazon. The internet-enabled the boom of the online selling industry. In 2019 alone, global eCommerce recorded a whopping $3.3 trillion in sales.

The rise of shopping online is undeniable, according to figures. As a result, business owners need to keep up with fast-paced platforms like Amazon, with advertisements determining success.

An ad campaign on Amazon is almost as integral as naming your business. It affects how high you rank on the search engine, so it directly affects your sales too. The higher your ranking is, the more people see your product.

It is not easy to do a digital campaign, though. Unlike traditional advertising, it’s not a simple matter of creating your material and posting it where people can see them. On the incredibly lucrative yet competitive Amazon e-jungle, things are a bit trickier.

Find relevant keywords for your Amazon ads campaign

For an ad campaign to be successful, you’ll need effective and relevant keywords that satisfy what the algorithm needs to rank you higher on the search results. There are different ways to go about an ad campaign on Amazon. No matter which type you do, however, you’ll need to find relevant keywords for your Amazon ads campaign. To help you out, we’ve compiled these helpful tips for finding the right keywords.

Nail down your target audience

Amazon ads campaign Brainstrom

Research your target audience. This does not just mean a random google search about what people need that your brand can supply. In order for any ad campaign to work, there must be specific goals in mind. Specifying your campaign audience should be at the top of this list.

Always keep in mind why you’re doing this campaign, and don’t envision what you’re getting out of it. Instead, think of what your product or service gives to your customers. Then, think of why they need your product and what you can do to fulfill that need.


The second tip we have for you might be vague, but that’s how you would have to start brainstorming, too. Create an inverted pyramid as your research structure. Start from the most general topic you can think of and gradually narrow it down until you have the most relevant matters at hand. Trim off the general topics, and you’ll be left with topics closely related to your product. That is where you’ll get your keywords from.

Seed Keywords

Once you have brainstormed all the possible topics you could include in your ad, you’ll be able to tell which seed keywords to use.

An ad campaign’s ultimate goal, of course, is visibility on the Amazon search engine and, eventually, sales. And seed keywords are short tail keywords proven to yield high monthly search volume. Long-tail keywords are based on seed keywords as well.

Seed keywords are essential in every digital marketing process. So in choosing them, you must remember three things: First, they should be directly related to your product; second, avoid overstuffing your article with the keyword; and lastly, place them strategically in key areas, such as the title and intro. Keep these tips in mind when searching for the right seed keywords.

Scope out the competition

When you have decided what your seed keywords are going to be, don’t rush making long-tail keywords for your campaign. You should check the competition first.

Seeing what your competitors offer in their ad campaign gives you an insight into what they are lacking. No ad campaign is perfect. Finding out the gap in your competitors’ ad campaigns will be a key asset in making your own.

Once you identify what you can offer differently, you can start brainstorming your long-tail keywords. These long keywords should correspond to the gap in your competitors’ advertisements.

Amazon ads campaign Keywords

Create your long-tail keywords

A rookie mistake most people make in constructing their long-tail keywords is putting together words that will only have their business on the search results page. As a result, not many people will be searching for your business, specifically on Amazon.

To avoid this, you must find a balance between words general to the niche you are in and specific enough that your business will have a high ranking in the search engine. You must also incorporate what you can offer differently from your competitors.

It may be a hard job finalizing your long-tail keywords. Good thing technology helps with that too. You can use a keyword research tool to search for relevant keywords for your ad campaign without sweat.

Final Notes on Amazon Ads Campaign

Like everything in life, doing an Amazon ad campaign is not easy. But you can learn and master it over time. There are so many more things you can do on Amazon to improve your business. A word of caution, though, always follow the guidelines of the website. If you don’t, you might get your account suspended. A reliable guide on Amazon suspension will help you in that sticky situation and will help you protect your brand on Amazon.

Amazon is a live industry. If you think of it as a constantly evolving platform, you’ll be better prepared to adapt to the changes now and again. Like in the Amazon jungle, changing in sync with your surroundings will save your life and your business.

Author’s Bio

Jayce is the managing director of Seller Interactive, the number one Amazon advertising agency based in Canada that helps brands build their business on Amazon. His content marketing expertise has led him to work with brands such as Toyota and GoDaddy, producing content that has reached over 20M views in a month.

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