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15 Social Media Tactics for Maximum Result

Social Media Tactics

Many of us have gotten to the point where the first thing that we do when we wake up in the morning is to pick up our phones and check our social media feeds. This might not be a good thing for the users, but it definitely is for social media marketers. It means that they can easily reach out to their audience and get their attention.

This is one of the reasons why there are so many businesses and brands on social media now. It has now become one of the primary ways to reach out to prospects and customers alike. But much more than just reaching out and getting the audience’s attention, marketers want to make more sales, conversions, drive traffic to their website, etc. They want to get more results, basically. This is why they’ve devised social media tactics that marketers can use to get maximum results.

15 Social Media Tactics That Marketers Try Out

1. Have a Marketing Plan for Social Media

Marketing Plan for Social Media

This plan will help you to remain organized in planning your posting and where you are posting at. The following four keys are effective for creating an excellent social media marketing plan.

2. Have a Social Media Calendar

Schedule for publications in social media

Trying to keep up with posting on the different social media platforms and the types of content to post on each channel can be both confusing and exhausting at the same time. The purpose of a social media calendar is to make sure that you’re organized as the calendar plots a schedule for your marketing activities. In order to be effective in using this calendar, you must add the deadlines to create the content and then the dates to publish them.

3. Find Out the Best Times to Post

Source: Best Time to Post on Social Media Instagram

You have to be strategic when posting your content on social media and not just post haphazardly. You’re going to get different results when you post at different times. A typical example is this: if your target audience is working professionals, you can’t post your content during working hours. You won’t get enough engagement if you do. There is always the best time to post your content, depending on your target audience and the social media platform you’re posting on. You need to find out the best times to post and follow it to be more effective. 

4. Be Consistent with Your Posting Frequency

Source: Social Media Posting Frequency

You have to be consistent with your content posting to be successful in social media marketing. You can’t just come out of nowhere, post content, and go back into hiding and expect your followers to keep reading your content. You’ll lose all forms of relevance in their front as they are not able to build any form of relationship with you.

You have to be consistent enough for them to look forward to your post, and you also expect them to read and engage with it. This isn’t posting 50 times per day. You simply need to post at the same or similar time of the day and week.

5. Include Shareable Graphics in Your Blogpost

You will likely be sharing plenty of blog posts on social media. You have to be able to get people’s attention while they scroll down their feed. You can do this with a compelling graphic that quickly highlights the post’s value and what it is all about.

6. Schedule Your Posting

It might cost a lot of time (especially during crucial periods) to put out a tweet or send your new blog post to social media. So, instead of looking for small pockets of time to do this, it’ll be much easier for your social media marketing if you schedule your posting in advance. Here’s a quick guide to do this:

7. Have Social Media Groups

There are many advantages to creating groups on social media. The point of social media is for you to be social, and the best way to achieve this as a brand is to have a community for yourself and your followers/audience where it is easy for them to interact with you.

Examples of such groups are the LinkedIn group and the Private Facebook group. These groups can help you know your customers better and understand their pain points as you directly interact with them.

8. Experiment with Video Content

According to a study, social media content with a video in it has 48% more engagement than other posts that don’t have videos. Videos are a powerful type of content that can be used in different ways and is very much on the rise so much that expert predicts that by 2021, half of the traffic on the internet will be video. You can experiment with this by yourself for a start. Start with animation, a 10-second explainer video, etc. and see how your followers respond to it.

9. Tailor Your Content to Suit the Different Social Media Platforms

Social media platforms work differently. The fact that something worked on Facebook doesn’t mean that it would also work on Twitter or Instagram, and it goes both ways. So, even if you have just one piece of content to post on the different platforms, you still need to tweak it a little bit to suit the different platforms for maximum results. For example, LinkedIn posts are usually more professional, but Facebook posts can be more casual.

10. Tailor Your Content Based on Demographic Data

There are different types of users on various social media platforms. This is one of the reasons why the same content doesn’t have the same results or level of engagement on social media. So, when you’re tweaking the content or making the changes, do this based on each platform’s demographic info. For instance, Snapchat and Instagram are more popular among the young generation, while Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter is where the older generations and the boomers hang out. Once you know who you’re targeting, you’ll know how to tailor your content.

11. Watch Your Caption Length

People often think of small-sized content when thinking about social media posts. However, it doesn’t have to be like that. You could play around with your copy length and your captions on the different social media platforms. Try out the snappy captions and mix up with long-form posts and see the one that draws more responses from your followers.

12. Hashtag Marketing


Hashtags are probably one of the best social media tools that you have in hand as part of your social media marketing strategy. However, cramming so many hashtags in one post is now very outdated and ineffective. You need to find hashtags that are relevant to the content that you’re posting and use them. Also, get involved with relevant hashtag communities.

You can create a hashtag of your own and build your community with it. And there are also tools that you can use to determine the most effective hashtags to use on your post.

13. Leverage on User Generated Content

User-Generated Content: Social Media Tactics


It can be pretty exhausting to continue creating social media content to keep you in your audience’s mind. However, you don’t have to go through this experience. If you have customers, followers, or audiences that already create content that is relevant to your brand and industry that they share on different social platforms, then you already have a gold mine to tap into. You can take advantage of user-generated content to build your community and remain relevant.

14. Cross-post Content

Source: Cross-posting on Social Media

You already know how exhausting it is to continue creating tons of content for social media. The good thing is that you can repurpose content in different mediums, then cross-post them across various social media channels.
For example, you can screenshot your tweet and post on Instagram or turn the multiple pictures on your Instagram post into a slideshow for Twitter.

15. Work With Social Media Influencers

Source: Social Media influencer marketing ROI

This might just be the case of reserving the best for the last. Influencer marketing on social media has grown in leaps and bounds in the last few years and is an effective social media marketing strategy. You can create a list of social media influencers in your niche or industry and try to collaborate with them. The wider your message gets, the better for you. The best way to spread that message is with an influencer with a wide reach and credibility with their followers.

Final Thoughts on Social Media Tactics
The whole point of social media marketing is to be able to interact with your followers and audience. But much more than this, you are looking to target their pain point. You want to know what problems they have and how you can proffer a solution to it through your content. Providing content that addresses your audience’s pain points is the best way that you can be effective with your social media tactics.

Getting people to engage with your social media post is the best way to grow your brand. You need to leverage this well enough to enjoy the benefit of it. Loyal followers increased brand awareness; improved conversion rates are some of these benefits. So, it would help if you chose the tactics that work best for you.

Author’s Bio
Charlie Svensson is a fast, engaging writer at online writing help. He is skilled in content writing and blogging. The favorite topics of his posts are education, social media, marketing, SEO, motivation blogging, and self-growth. Excellent adaptability of skills to reach diverse audiences.

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