


The online teaching industry is growing with every passing hour. There is demand like never before! The global e-learning market is set to reach $275.10 billion by 2022. More and more people are interested in learning online because of flexibility, lower costs and easy accessibility. We recommend that you get in on the act and start an online course of your expertise today with the help of WordPress and relevant plugins! It is your time…

Now that you have created a WordPress for your online courses, it is time to take it forward. A great mix of using an effective Learning Management System plugin and efficient promotion will make your online class big! The online course industry is booming. More and more people are interested in learning from the comfort of their homes and you have taken the first step in monetizing your skills. Congratulations! But, are you sure that…

An online marketplace community is where buyers and sellers do business together. It is the new form of departmental stores and rightly so. More and more people are spending time online and this is the best time for an online marketplace to gain traction. However, maintaining it is not as easy as you would believe. Best WordPress Helpdesk Plugins to Manage WordPress Support There is a possibility of anything and everything going wrong while transacting…

In today’s world, people do not visit departmental stores anymore. Since they spend most of their time online, it is only justifiable that they expect to purchase everything they need — online. Most of our generation browses and ends up buying products through the use of the internet. This is possible with the help of a marketplace. What is a Community Marketplace? Community Marketplace is an online platform that connects buyers and sellers. It usually…

Online communities are popping up everywhere. It is simple to find and be a part of a community of your choice. They are popular nowadays because of its ‘all-inclusive’ policy. There is no restriction on the number of people that can join an online community. But numbers aren’t everything. A community with a lot of people has its own set of problems. For example, it is extremely difficult to have focused, meaningful and long-lasting conversations.…

Community colleges work at a local level. It is an educational institution for people who reside in a particular community or locality. Often, locals are uninformed of the opportunities available to them. Here, having an online community that keeps its members updated about everything that is happening around them becomes crucial. In this article we explore how an online website for job openings for community college students can be used efficiently and to the benefit…

If you are using the WordPress Paypal donation shortcode to accept donations from your website’s visitors, you can use this code snippet to create a shortcode, and thus make donating easier. First, paste the following into your functions.php file: function wb_donate_shortcode( $atts, $content = null) { global $post; extract(shortcode_atts(array( ‘account’ => ‘your-paypal-email-address’, ‘for’ => $post->post_title, ‘onHover’ => ”, ), $atts)); if(empty($content)) $content=’Make A Donation’; return ‘<a href=”’.$account.’&item_name=Donation for ‘.$for.'” title=”‘. $onHover.'”>’.$content.'</a>’; } add_shortcode(‘donate’, ‘wb_donate_shortcode’); Then,…

Community marketing has become an excellent way to keep your audience engaged to your website. One popular way of community marketing is to build up a community marketplace. A community marketplace is one such place where vendors and sellers interact with one another. The vendors sell their products to the sellers. The vendors and the sellers are also able to communicate with one another by means of a community marketplace.  Here, we have provided you…

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