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4 Design Tips to Increase Conversion on Your Website


Conversion rate is the most crucial metric to determine your success in the virtual grounds. It is not a mere calculation of sales but also covers people who make appointments, request free quotes, or call you with queries.

Essentially, it is any desired action that brings people closer to making a sale.

The storming number of figures might stumble you sometimes. You have to keep an eye on click-through-rates (CTRs), measure the return-on-investment (ROI) while analyzing the cost-per-click simultaneously. However, it is the conversion rate that determines how good you are doing as a digital platform.

According to WordStream, the best websites have a conversion rate of 11%.

Meanwhile, the average website conversion rate is 2.35%. These figures give you the bar of measuring your success or failure.

In case you fall below the bar, you might be looking for some ways to revamp your web design and improve conversions. Here are X tips that might come in handy:

1. Make navigation easy

Just because you have built-in navigation for your website doesn’t guarantee that you are doing an excellent job at it. In fact, navigation can make or break your website when it comes to retaining visitors, engage them, or push them through the conversion funnel. After all, it is one of the five things users notice on a website.

A fluid website navigation system makes it easy for the visitors to find what they are looking for. It keeps their frustration at bay by presenting desired content right there. It also helps Google to index your vital information effectively.

Poor navigation, on the other hand, does more harm than good. It confuses the visitors and sends them scurrying for the exit. You can improve your website navigation when you:

Besides the listed, you can also look for some other ways to enhance your web navigation. Taking inspiration from websites like that of Fairchild can lead you through the course. The navigation is easy-to-find at the upper left-hand corner of the main landing page.

2. Make fair use of negative space

White space or negative space is the area between design elements. It is a great tool to balance the design and organize content in a better way to enhance the visual communication experience.

Despite its name, the white space is not necessarily white. It can be any color, pattern, texture, or background image. Even though you might want to provide as much info as possible to your prospects, people tend to get frustrated when information bombards them. White space allows the human eye to breathe and consume news effectively.

As per research by Human Factors International, white space increases comprehension by 20%. For example, Squarespace has very few UI elements on its homepage, yet it has everything the user is looking for. The macro whitespace is carefully thought-out to capture user-attention on the necessary details.

3. Infuse beautiful, HD graphics

An ideal graphic design can bring a huge boost to your website. It enhances the visual appeal, brand value, professionalism, and usability. Lends an air of professionalism to your website and drags in all the perks of a visually-appealing website.

It doesn’t only visualize the creative spirit of your site. In fact, graphic design encompasses everything from banners, background images, button controls, logo representation, text, etc. Having professionals on board like logo design valley can help you to reach your design goals. At the same time, you can hire a photographer to capture unique images of your craft.

Don’t forget to optimize images with ALT tags and descriptions to improve your website visibility. As per Canva, 90% of the information transmitted to the human brain is visual. So, put your best foot forward when using graphics in your web design.


Based in Brooklyn, design agency Buzzworthy Studio manages to stand out from the crowd through impeccable graphic design. It uses animation and interactive features for an attention-grabbing and exciting experience.

4. Employ responsive design

Responsive web design is the hottest topic in the design world right now. It makes your website mobile-friendly to improve the way it looks on a screen. The portal automatically scales its content to fit the screen size.

The ultimate goal of a responsive website is to avoid unnecessary zooming, scrolling, panning, or resizing. The number of users accessing websites through smartphones has rapidly increased over the past few years. Ever since Google announced a switch of algorithms in 2015, the sites that weren’t mobile-friendly lost their ranking on the search grid.

Some benefits of choosing a responsive design for your website include:

The aim is to offer a seamless user experience. Neither desktop viewers nor mobile users should have any problem accessing your website. As per Infront stats, 94% of the people judge a website based on responsive web design. Therefore, hinges on your portal can turn-off the potential clients diverting them towards the competitor.


In contrast, taking ideas from a website like that of Dropbox could bring you the win. It has done a great job of using flexible visuals and a fluid grid to construct an outstanding website design. The font color changes to accommodate the background color when switching from desktop to handheld devices. Plus, the image orientation also takes a flip.

Responsive web design is the key to make sure you drive your conversion to reach the skies.

Concluding Remarks

Your website is the first interaction you have with your prospects. Make sure it is flawless and impressive to compel them to convert. The Gomez Report discovered that 88% of the consumers are less likely to return to a website after a bad experience.

Thus, investing in your website conversion right now is the key to ensure lasting success on digital grounds.

Author Bio

Erica Silva

Erica Silva is a blogger who loves to discover and explore the world around her. She writes on everything from marketing to technology. She enjoys sharing her discoveries and experiences with readers and believes her blogs can make the world a better place.

Find her on Twitter: @ericadsilva1


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